
Monday 22 February 2016

Free MTN Browsing & Download With Tweakware Mod v1.6

It's a new week ahead and am sure by now most of us have being using different vpn to power and enjoy the free browsing of MTN. Well today, I introduce you to another crazy modded vpn. For the lovers of tweakware, here's the modded version of the vpn. The tweakware vpn is modded with psiphon handler menu.

How To Use Tweakware Mod v1.6 With MTN

1. Download the tweakware mod v1.6 HERE
2. Open the vpn and click on tunnel whole device

3. Click on Log then click on Handler Menu to insert your prepared settings
4.  It will ask you for a child lock code. The child lock code is cdce.imishiro.032990 Copy and paste it to unlock the Handler Menu.

5. Input this in your Tweakware handler menu
  • proxy type- REAL HOST
  • proxy server-
  • real proxy type-DEFAULT
  • real proxy port-80
Remember to unpick the child lock system, Click on save

6. Go to  tweakware home and click on Settings to configure it as you did it in your normal psiphon. Tick Connect through an HTTP proxy and input these
  • PORT– 8080

7. Go to Tweakware Home and select any server location of your choice and start your connection.

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