
Saturday 14 May 2016

Use Fetch as Google Tool to Index Blog Post

Today, am going to explain how you can use fetch as google tool to index blog post for your blog or website.

What is Fetch as Google?

Fetch as Google” Tool, sometimes referred to as “Fetch as Google-bot” is an option available for bloggers/webmasters to check how a webpage is looking in Google Search. The Fetch as Google Tool can be used for the following purposes:

  • To submit new web page (or new blog post) to appear in Google Search.
  • To Find out the pages due to any issues when a site is hacked by malwares.
  • To submit updated page for indexing whenever the content is updated/changed significantly.

Process to Use Fetch as Google Tool to Index Blog Post:

  • Visit and Sign into your Google Webmaster Tools using Google Account. Add and verify your website/blog by any method (Ignore if already added and verified successfully)
  • Choose your website or blog you want to submit.
  • In Site Dashboard from left side navigation, click to expand Crawl and then make a click on “Fetch as Google
  • Now you will see a text field that begins with your domain name. Enter your web page URL or blog post URL which you want Google to index (Leave the box blank for Fetching Homepage),
  • Choose the Google-bot type Web and click on Fetch button.

After Fetching the URL, only two possible status will be shown, Success or Failed. If the Fetching is successful, just click on Submit to index button as shown in picture below.

Now you will see a pop up to choose either “Crawl only this URL” (having limit of 500 URLs/month) or “Crawl this URL and its direct links“(having limit 10/month). Just select Crawl only this URL and click on Go button.

That’s it. Your URL has been submitted to the index. Now relax and after a few seconds search on Google for the submitted URL.

This is the simple tutorials about what is and how to use Fetch as Google Tool to Submit and index your new post to Google. This feature of Google Webmaster Tools is very useful when you are updating the content of any existing post/article. So, take advantages of this awesome feature. 

Now its your turn to share your idea/suggestion/feedback in comment box and if you’re getting any problem feel free to ask.

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