
Tuesday 20 October 2015

Why You Must Have Your Own Blog Domain

You may be wondering if it’s really worth the expense to get your own name. After all, why should you pay for a domain and hosting when you can get a free blog from WordPress or Blogger? The truth is there are a few very important reasons to invest the modest amount of money in your blog.

SEO Benefits

Having your own domain allows you greater control of your on-page SEO and it gives you greater control over how your blog ranks on Google and other search engines. Search engines always prefer a .com blog over a blog hosted on Blogger or WordPress. Blogs on free platforms don’t actually live on the main company’s website, which means all the content that you add gets indexed and “credited” to the blog site.


You don’t really own a blog that’s hosted on Blogger, WordPress, or another platform without your own domain and hosting. While you own the content you write, the platform and domain are owned by a company that can suspend your account and delete your blog if you violate any policies.

Credibility and Branding

Having your own domain also gives you greater credibility over blogs on free platforms. It also gives you a greater opportunity to brand your blog. You’ll find it much easier to brand your blog with a custom appearance without working within the constraints of a free platform.

Greater Earning Potential

Finally, it’s important to have your own domain if you plan to monetize your blog. Most advertisers only pay for ads on free blogs if they have amazing traffic. You’ll find it easier to monetize your blog in terms of not only advertising but also hosting contests, sponsored posts, and more when you own your brand.

Benefits of a Free Blog

While there are many good reasons to host your own blog, there are also some good reasons to stick with a free blog platform, at least at first. If you’re working on a tight budget, it’s hard to beat free. A free blog platform will also be functional and easy to use, even if you have no experience publishing your own content.

If you aren’t ready to jump into blogging with both feet, it may be a good idea to test out the waters with a free blog first. Just be ready to take the next step when you’re ready to establish your brand and start making money.

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