
Friday 6 November 2015

Get Your Blog on Google News

Getting your site on Google News can be an excellent way to boost traffic, establish authority, and increase your revenue through per-view ads. Google News gives readers an easy way to access up-to-date news from around the world. Of course, Google won’t allow just any website on Google News; they’re looking for sites with authority, credibility, and traffic. Here’s what you should know about getting your news blog in front of people.

Basic Google News Requirements

Before submitting your site, you need to meet specific requirements. Every Google News registration is checked manually so make sure your blog:
  • Is run by at least 2 people. Make sure you have at least two authors to your blog — although more is better. Google will
  • Offers relevant and compelling news daily. A blog that is only updated a few times a week won’t make the cut. Aim for at least two news articles every day.
  • Is news-related. Google News won’t accept blogs with evergreen content; the fresher and more relevant your blog, the greater your chances of being accepted. If your blog has new and evergreen content, make sure you have a news category and use that URL when you submit your site to Google.

News Guidelines

Google is also very specific about what it considers real news. Your site should offer timely reports that meet journalistic standards, which means original reports and honest attribution. Accountability is also important so be sure you have author bios and contact information. Articles should be written clearly without grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are also some technical requirements:
  • Google must be able to crawl and index your site.
  • Only HTML articles can be crawled, not PDFs or other formats.
  • Google looks for HTML links with anchor text that has at least a few words.
  • Your article URLs should be permanent and unique.
If your site identifies as a blog and has standard blog format (entries in order from newest to oldest), your site will be identified with a (blog) tag next to the publication name on Google News results.

Applying for Google News

Most blogs that apply to Google News are rejected the first time, which means a wait of 60 days before you can apply again. To apply to acceptance in Google News, click here. You will need to provide your site information, the location of your news articles, and contact information.

Once you’re accepted, you can increase your visibility by updating your site more often and using headlines that incorporate keywords people are searching for. Try to use the keyword as close to the beginning of the headline as possible. It can also help to approach stories with a different angle to make it more interesting to Google and potential readers. You may also find it helpful to search out trending news stories that aren’t heavily covered on Google News yet.

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