
Friday 6 November 2015

Keep AdBlocker from Damaging Your Blog Revenue

If you’ve noticed a decline in your blog’s ad revenue even though your traffic hasn’t gone down, you may be affected by users who are using AdBlocker Plus or other ad blocking plug-ins. Ad blockers prevent the ads on your website from being displayed, which is a big problem if you get paid per-view.

Ad blockers aren’t just a problem for bloggers; it’s even predicted that ad blockers are costing Google more than $6.6 billion in revenue. If your blog earns money from affiliate marketing, you’re probably not at high risk of being affected. Bloggers who rely on third-party advertising like AdSense are at the greatest risk of losing money from ad blockers. While you may feel pretty helpless, you do have some options to minimize the impact of ad blockers on your revenue.

Turn to Affiliate Marketing

Referring your readers to products or services can be an excellent way to monetize your blog. You store the resources necessary on your host so it won’t be removed by ad blocking software. There are plenty of great affiliate programs out there. I will recommend best alternatives to google adsense and best affiliate program tomorrow.

Switch to Native Ads

While some native ads are affected by ad blockers, it’s a safer bet to make sure readers can see the advertisements. Ad blocking plug-ins work by checking your page script against a list of known ads then stopping the object from loading if it’s associated with an ad. With native ads, all resources like images are stored on your host and they are usually not detected or blocked.
If you decide to switch to native advertising, make sure your blog has a media kit that shares your followers, subscribers, and average page views with potential advertisers.

Request Users Whitelist Your Blog

You can also reach out to your readers and ask that they whitelist your site to AdBlocker or disable the blocker while they’re on your site. You’re more likely to get a response if you explain that ad views are how your blog stays online. You can also try a WordPress plug-in to do this. There are a few plug-ins that give readers a notification to whitelist or disable AdBlocker. You can enter a custom message that will pop up, so be polite.

Get Creative

If all else fails, it’s time to get creative with how you make money from your blog. After all, ads aren’t the only way to monetize your blog. What about paid reviews of products or sponsored posts? You can even set up a store in your blog to sell merchandise like branded t-shirts.
AdBlock is already used by more than 45 million people in the United States and this number grows every day. It’s time to get ahead of the problem before you’re forced to shut down your blog for good.


  1. I think the popularity of adblockers is a strong sign that web users simply don't want banner and pop-up ads, but more more meaningful ads. This is why I believe in more contextual ads, such as sponsored posts.

    1. Thats true, I quite agree with you.
